
Els experts de la UAB i la UB que duran a terme l'estudi sobre la malaltia de Menkes.

The UAB receives a donation of 40,000 euros to advance in the study of Menkes disease

These funds, coming from the Menkes International Association, will allow a research project to search for new biomarkers to establish administration and monitoring protocols for a new drug that could improve the lives of children suffering from this rare disease. The project is led by Mercè Capdevila, professor in the Department of Chemistry at the UAB.

Ciència i emprenedoria en femení

Leading research experts meet at the UAB campus for "Science and Entrepreneurship in Feminine"

On 18 November at 9:30 a.m. the offices of the Vice Rector for Innovation and Strategic Projects and the Vice Rector for Students and Employability organise a "Science and Entrepreneurship in Feminine" seminar to raise awareness of women standing out in innovation and entrepreneurship at the UAB campus, and provide specific resources for women interested in innovating and/or becoming entrepreneurs. The session will be held in the UAB Theatre Hall.