
Persona treballant en un cultiu de cireres

Participative proposals for a sustainable water-food-energy ecosystem in the Mediterranean

The European project NEX-LABS led by the UAB has launched several participative proposals to to set down the bases of an international cooperation combining a start-up, incubators and accelerators in Italy, Lebanon, Tunisia, Cyprus, Spain, Egypt and Jordan. The project's mission is to favour more innovation and entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region and advance towards a sustainable ecosystem of the water, energy and food sectors.

Exposició virtual del projecte InterMedit

The UAB to display Mediterranean archaeological heritage in virtual and immersive exhibition

The CORE in Cultural Heritage network and the OpenLabs conducted a technical performance of the virtual reality exhibition entitled "InterMedit: The Mediterranean Exchange in Antiquity", presented at the Monographic Museum Puig des Molins in Ibiza on 27 April. The exhibition, which offers an immersive experience, includes some 50 pieces digitalised in 3D by the UAB, some of which are on display for the first time, with a maximum of detail, such as the statue of Asclepius of Empúries.

Challenger Season

Competition to solve challenges found on the UAB campus

The UAB Research Park, with the support of Santander Universidades, launches "The Challenger Season", a competition open to the UAB community that poses a series of challenges encountered on campus and surrounding areas related to the sustainable development goals, and encourages participants to find ways to fix them.

Imatge portada challenger season

The UAB Challenger Season starts with a food-related challenge

The first challenge of the Challenger Season 2023 begins on Monday 17 April. This year's edition focuses on improving the food served on campus and is entitled "Ajuda’ns a millorar l’alimentació del campus de la UAB perquè sigui més saludable i sostenible". All members of the university community can participate in this week-long challenge by submitting their proposal. The winning idea will be able to choose from different prizes.

Edifici del Centre de Visió per Computador a la UAB

CVC joins the EIT's Deep Tech Talent Initiative

The Computer Vision Centre (CVC), a consortium of the Government of Catalonia and the UAB, will join the European Institute of Innovation & Technology’s (EIT) Deep Tech Talent Initiative to develop more training and courses to fast-track the careers of Deep Tech learners.