University Master's Degree in Zoonoses and One Health

Training multidisciplinary health professionals ready to handle the highly complex challenges of the 21st century  

Admission Official Master's Degree in Zoonoses and One Health

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

Documents for admission

  1. Official Academic Transcript of Records (Certificate) of previous studies that give access to the Master (mandatory). Copies of transcripts without academic validity will not be accepted. A certificate of grades duly signed and stamped must be attached.
  2. Diploma of previous studies that give access to the Master.(mandatory), but in the case that you pre-register for the master's degree without having finished the degree studies, this documentation is not mandatory for pre-registration. However, the degree diploma must be presented before the enrolment, with a complete transcript of records of your previous studies)
  3. Curriculum Vitae (mandatory).
  4. Certificate English language level  B2 (MECR) (mandatory). It's mandatory have the English certificate before the pre-registration.
  5. Language Passport Europass: Free tool to record language knowledge (mandatory).
  6. Copy of DNI / Passport (mandatory).