Where does a loving relationship begin?

Per on comença una relació amorosa

“Where does a loving relationship begin? It begins with you” is the title of a Final Degree Project promoted by three UAB psychology students that analyses the personal welfare within a loving relationship, based on essential fields such as communication, self-esteem, limits, empathy, and beliefs. Update: Until further notice workshops are cancelled 


Maria Marin, Meritxell Marqués and David Martínez, three UAB psychology students are carrying out their Final Degree Project under the title “Where does a loving relationship begin? It begins with you”. It is a project which is being carried out with the Health programme of the foundation Fundació Autònoma Solidària and responds to a social problem detected. This project, following the Aprenentatge Servei (Learning Service) methodology, points out the importance of personal welfare within a loving relationship, and the worth of working in essential fields such as self-esteem, communication, limits, empathy, and beliefs.

Some group dynamics are carried out addressed to all UAB students who wish to attend them (there is limited seating). Specifically, four 90 minutes long workshops will be held during March. These trainings are structured  in participative and playful activities and a small theory part with active debates.

The workshops aim to raise awareness and identify those areas that are very important in a loving relationship and that contribute to improve them and make us feel better. Always taking into account the gender perspective and how it can influence the way in which we relate to someone. These workshops are carried out in p-21 room in the Faculty of Psychology. 
The first workshop will take place on 16th March at 1:30 p.m. It aims to analyze the underlying beliefs in a relationship and understand how they can influence our feelings and behavior. It is composed of two activities. One of them is a debate in which the influence of the sex/gender system on believes and how this affects the way we relate will be discussed.

“If I don’t love me there is no us” is the title of the second workshop organized for 9th  March at 1:30 pm, aiming to work on self-esteem and strengthen it. This workshop intends to highlight that self-esteem is important to build a healthy relationship.  The workshop is composed of two activities . One of them will be a play that will analyze the concepts of self-esteem without forgetting the socio-cultural context in which we live.

On 23rd March, the third workshop will take place. It will be about limits and how we convey them. The activity aims to raise awareness about the personal limits within a relationship, in other words, how far a person is willing or not to go.

Finally, the fourth workshop will take place on 26th March and it will focus on assertive communication, which is the basis of a good relationship, as well as the way we communicate or say things can emotionally affect the person we are telling in different ways.

You can register for the workshop that interests you through this form.