Two new educational projects from the CROMA 2.0 programme in schools in the Vallès region

Dos nous projectes educatius del CROMA
The aim of programme CROMA 2.0 is to bring scientific knowledge and research closer to children in Vallès Occidental. FAS launched two new themed projects focused on research, participation and environmental science. These projects have the support of research teams IGOP, ICTA and CRECIM.


Programme CROMA 2.0 launched two new educational projects this week in 18 schools from 5 different cities in Vallès Occidental. One of the objectives of these workshops is to take in the work of basic competence by working in projects. This way, centers are part of educational innovation in classrooms.
On the one hand, CRECIM, with the collaboration of Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA), designed the workshop “How can we reduce pollution in our school?” in order to present it in the different schools in Vallès Occidental that are part of the CROMA 2.0 programme. The aim of this workshop is to bring children closer to science: its function and use as well as scientific methodologies. This will be carried out through an educational model in which students will build their own knowledge while trying to analyze and find solutions to a specific and existing problem: finding the way to reduce pollution in every school.
On the other hand, the Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP) designed the programme “Research – Participatory action in educational centers” with the objective of bringing children closer to their surroundings and the territory in a tone of research and propositiveness. This workshop will consist on creating a research team with students of each centre and university mentors. This team will go through different rounds of the research with the aim of getting to know a social reality of the educational centre’s neighborhood and, lastly, present an action to tackle this situation.
Projects will last 6 sessions and will be developed simultaneously. They will also be rotating so that all children will get to finish three of the four projects proposed for the 2018-2019 academic year. Educational workshops will end with a visit to UAB programmed for May. This visit will allow students to get to know first-hand the different research teams that took part in the project and visit their facilities. This meeting will end the programme and allow students to share what they learnt and their experiences with other schools and the different expert teams on each project.
CROMA 2.0 programme
CROMA 2.0 programme wants to promote correlation between university and primary schools in order to favor interest in learning in children and their relationship with school in a context of new discoveries, training university students in real contexts and research at the service of society, both in gaining new knowledge and in getting results.
Therefore, carrying out these activities, CROMA 2.0 bets on networking and collaborating with university research groups in order to bring both knowledge and research closer to schools and children by using UAB’s resources.