The UAB celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Dia Discapacitat

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the UAB has provided the Becas Impuls grants. These grants aim to facilitate the academic life of disabled students. During this institutional event, the student society APNEU has been presented and a debate has been opened.


On the 2nd of December, at 1 p.m., the UAB Theatre hall has hosted an institutional event to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

During the welcoming speech, the vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, explained how important is the event because “it reflects two measures approved in the 2nd Disability and Inclusion Action Plan”: to promote the creation of people with functional diversity associations and the awarding of Becas Impuls grants. The vice-rector also said that it is important having an inclusive campus in order that people with functional diversity do not need to “make a bigger effort to attend university”: “The inclusion is not only to grant access to studies but also to grant the development with equal opportunities”. Sara Moreno has reaffirmed her commitment to creating an “inclusive university” where “diversity is normalized” and an “inclusive culture” is adopted.

Then, APNEU, the new student society that provides attention for people with special needs at the university, has been presented. They have opened a debate where disabled students have discussed their experience at the UAB.

Awarding of Becas Impuls grants

The director of the foundation Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS), Jordi Prat, has pointed the importance of the Service for Inclusion in the UAB (PIUNE) to turn “the UAB into an inclusive university”. The PIUNE is a pioneering programme in Spain to provide help to students with functional diversity, because “it not only promotes integration, but we go a step further and we reach inclusion".

Tania Nadal, the vice-president of the UAB Social Council, has reaffirmed her commitment to this grant programme because “students are our present and, foremost, our future” and has referred to the importance of promoting and enhancing “the rapprochement between the university and the society”.

The institutional event has concluded with the awarding of the Becas Impuls grants to seven UAB students in situation of dependency.