The FAS carol reflects on climate change

The Fundació Autònoma Solidària congratulates you on the festivities with a Christmas carol starring environmental volunteers and focusing on the climate emergency.


"Dear grandmother, this Christmas I spent on the beach in Barcelona with my friends from university. For me it is a dream come true ...". Thus begins the narration of the carol that this year has prepared the FAS and that we invite you to see it to know how this story ends. Will it really be a dream come true?

Part of the FAS environmental volunteer group, made up of students from different faculties at the UAB, took part in the recording of the carol. This group contributes to building a more responsible university and in contact with its territory, through environmental education on campus, the management and protection of the biodiversity that surrounds us, the realization of dynamics and actions in different fields of the environment. and other activities related to sustainability. For the next 2020, they have already scheduled several activities such as the information stand where you can participate in different games and dynamics once a month called Punt Verd, the mobile collection project within the FAS itself, bird ringing sessions and tracking campus nest boxes, and many other activities.

So this year, the FAS’s Christmas greeting is part of the actions for the climate emergency that the UAB is developing this year.

The environmental volunteer team took advantage after recording the carol to clean the beach, finding lots of disposable wipes followed by candy plastic sticks and butts. This action is surrounded by other actions that are carried out to raise awareness about climate change during the course.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the FAS offices will be closed from 21 December until 6 January. We wish you, from the bottom of our hearts, happy holidays and a happy new year 2020!