News archive

Desenvolupen un nanogenerador que permet estimular cèl·lules vives

Nanogenerator developed to stimulate living cells

Researchers from the UAB and CSIC have shown that the use of piezoelectric nanogenerators to stimulate living cells electrically is possible. The nanogenerator developed is extremely small and does not need any external power source, two characteristics no one had achieved before.

Jordi Surrallés

New Gene Causing Fanconi Anemia Identified

Researchers from the group led by UAB Chair Professor Dr Jordi Surrallés at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the CIBER of Rare Diseases (CIBERER) have participated in the study which has led to the identification of a new gene involved in Fanconi anemia, a rare genetic disease.

TV3: Accés a la Universitat. 12-07-2017 Migdia

A score of 13.352 in Physics+Mathematics is once again the highest entrance mark in Catalonia

The cut-off marks corresponding to the first enrolment period for the 2017/2018 academic year confirm the great demand for UAB undergraduate courses. The UAB's joint bachelor's degree in Physics+Mathematics is once again the one with the highest cut-off mark in Catalonia (13.352), while 22 other bachelor's degrees have cut-off marks above 10.

Cloenda del primer torn del Campus Ítaca 2017

Second edition of Campus Ítaca begins

The second edition of the Campus Ítaca will take place from 6 to 14 July. Students from this year's first edition ended their stay at the UAB with a closing session in which they presented their projects.