The UAB and Parc Taulí sign an agreement to improve Mental Health research and assistance

Conveni UAB - Parc Tauli
The agreement includes working on specific collaborations in the mental health field with the aim of improving services, prevention policies, patient care and awareness-raising among society, as well as focus on research in this area.


Through the UAB CORE in Mental Health, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Parc Taulí Health Corporation Consortium of Sabadell have been working in the past few years on specific collaborations in the mental health field.

The joint efforts have given way to the signing of an agreement establishing a collaboration framework between the Prevention, Assistance and Training services of the UAB and the Consortium in preventive, training and research aspects, as well as a fluid relationship framework among professionals of the two institutions.

Among the objectives of the agreement, there is the creation of an assessment system specialising in mental health in which professionals from both institutions can share knowledge and experiences in clinical cases and contribute to the improvement of services offered by the UAB, particularly in prevention policies. A patient referral map will also be defined for specific clinical cases and for those needing treatments which go beyond what the UAB healthcare system can offer, according to the current sectorisation of patient care specialising in mental health and addiction in Catalonia.

The agreement will also take into account the creation of an academic training plan for university students, which would be segmented by collectives and would contribute to the improvement of social awareness of mental illnesses, empower individuals with the ability to handle their cases and promote healthy coexistences. A protocol will be set out for the management of mental health emergencies affecting members of the university community, appearing within the UAB sphere and having as a reference point the Parc Taulí University Hospital. The agreement also contemplates consolidating joint research activities, with special focus on the labour market, either based on these objectives or complementary to improving professional possibilities.

The agreement was signed this week at the UAB Rectorat building by Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB, and Joan Martí i López, Director General of the Parc Taulí Health Corporation Consortium of Sabadell.