
La UAB digitalitza en 3D l’estàtua de l’Esculapi d’Empúries

La UAB digitalitza en 3D l’estàtua de l’Esculapi d’Empúries

Un equip de recerca de la UAB treballa aquests dies en la digitalització en 3D de l’estàtua del déu Esculapi d’Empúries, una icona de l’arqueologia catalana. La iniciativa permetrà obtenir una rèplica digital molt precisa de la peça i innovar sobre noves formes d’estudi, difusió i ús del patrimoni cultural.

Els investigadors de l’INC-UAB José Miguel Lizcano (dreta) i Pau Muñoz

New pathway to attack tumor cells identified

A study led by the INc describes a new strategy to tackle cancer, based on inducing a potent stress in tumor causing cell destruction by autophagy. The mechanism has been revealed using the new antitumor drug ABTL0812, currently in clinical trial. Results has been validated using samples from oncologic patients, and published in Autophagy.

Salut mental

The UAB leads a transnational study on mental health during the pandemic

Researchers at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology are preparing a study to identify the main mental health risk and protection factors in different populations of Latin American countries and Spain during the pandemic, in order to discover the impact it has had and offer recommendations on how to cope.


The UAB celebrates a new edition of the “Four Minute Thesis” competition

The competition will begin on 4 June at 10 a.m. at the UAB YouTube. The event will be streamed live and will consist in ten PhD students who will have a maximum of four minutes to defend their thesis. At the end of the competition the jury will select the two best thesis and all those attending will be able to vote for the thesis they liked best.

Material metamagnètic

Nanoneedles to increase the capacity and robustness of digital memories

Researchers have developed a new technique to locally modify the properties of a metamagnetic material. The method consists in applying local pressure to the surface of the material using nanometric needles and allows an easy and local modification. The research opens the door to a more accurate and precise control of magnetic materials, and can improve digital memories.

Investigadors de l'INc

Significant differences exist among neurons expressing dopamine receptors

An international collaboration with the participation of the INC has shown that neurons expressing dopamine D2 receptors have different molecular features and functions, depending on their anatomical localization within the striatum. The research, conducted with mouse models and published in Nature Communications, opens the door to develop better treatments for diseases in which dopamine is altered, such as schizophrenia, addictions and Parkinson’s disease.