The UAB leads a transnational study on mental health during the pandemic

Salut mental

Researchers at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology are preparing a study to identify the main mental health risk and protection factors in different populations of Latin American countries and Spain during the pandemic, in order to discover the impact it has had and offer recommendations on how to cope.


Through a transnational questionnaire, the study aims to reach over one thousand people in different Latin American countries and Spain. It will explore the risk and protection factors related to mental health during the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It will do so by analysing five mental health-related dimensions: socio-economic, psychophysiologic, contagion risk, political and emotional.

The study is led by Lorena Campo, postdoctoral researcher at the GRAFO Research Group, and by Virginia Fons, lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and member of the same research group. It also includes the involvement of research groups from the universities of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Equador; Santo Tomás, Chile; Flores, Argentina; and Simón Bolívar, Colombia.

All those interested in participating in the study can fill out the questionnaire created by the research group, which can be found at the following links:

In Catalan: Enquesta transnacional sobre factors de risc i de protecció de la salut mental en el context de la pandèmia de COVID 19

In Spanish: Encuesta transnacional sobre factores de riesgo y protección de la salud mental en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID 19