University Master's Degree in Education Policies for Global Development

This interuniversity master's degree brings together students with the objective of actively contributing to the field of globalisation, education and international development, with the opportunity of studying in different parts of the world

Several changes have been made to the study plan of this master's degree. Please check the information on the latest version here Erasmus Mundus en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global / EM Education Policies for Global Development

Content Official Master's Degree in Education Policies for Global Development

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Study guides

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 45
Optional 60
External Practicum 15



Subject Credits Type
First year    
Actors in Education and Development 5 OB
Basic Research Methods 10 OB
Educational Development, Poverty and Global Inequalities 5 OB
Global Education Policies 5 OB
Theories of Social Justice in Education 5 OB
Advanced Policy Enquiry 10 OT
Comparative Perspectives on Education and Development 10 OT
Education and International Development 10 OT
Second year    
Fieldwork 10 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 30 OB
Winter School 5 OB
Work Placement 15 OB





Subject Credits Type
First year    
Actors in Education and Development 5 OB
Basic Research Methods 10 OB
Educational Development, Poverty and Global Inequalities 5 OB
Global Education Policies 5 OB
Theories of Social Justice in Education 5 OB
Advanced Research Methods 10 OT
Comparative Educacion 10 OT
Special and Inclusive Education 10 OT
Second year    
Fieldwork 10 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 30 OB
Winter School 5 OB
Work Placement 15 OB



OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional