Disability and specific educational needs

MeetUp Inclusion

Meet Up Inclusion

MeetUp Inclusion is a space to share experiences, doubts, and strategies to facilitate university life, both academically and socially at the Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​for university students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

It is an innovative program of psycho-emotional orientation, the theoretical principles of which emerged in a UNIDISCAT workshop in 2015 with a lecture on "Support for students with Asperger's Syndrome" at the University of Oslo. Two years later, it was launched at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in collaboration with the Asperger Association of Catalonia. And, since 2022, the Inclusion Service of the UAB, PIUNE, has started to carry it out at the Autonomous University.

The program operates through monthly or bi-monthly two-hour meetings. They are organized in collaboration with the Asperger Catalonia Association, technical staff from PIUNE, and, in some sessions, UAB faculty. Techniques for studying, exam preparation, TFG (Final Degree Project) preparation, oral presentations, and other issues such as relationships or the provision of tools for well-being are addressed in the sessions.

Schedule for the 2023-2024 academic year and attendance request:

Fridays, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., in Classroom 2 (door number B1/-123), at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology.

For those who wish, there is the possibility of having a socialization space and group lunch from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Sessió Data Tema


27 d'octubre

Inici MeetUp i ens coneixem

2 10 de novembre

Planificació i organització


24 de novembre

Preparació d'exàmens


19 de gener

Habilitats socials i treballs en grup


16 de febrer

Ansietat acadèmica i social


1 de març

Tècniques de relaxació


15 de març

Anàlisis personal del rendiment


12 d’abril

Tipus de relacions dins de la universitat


26 d’abril

Preparació TFG i presentació oral


10 de maig

I després del Grau? Màster o món laboral?


7 de juny

Cloenda: Valoració MeetUp 2023-2024 i noves idees


If you want to participate, you must fill out this form with your identification and contact information. Once you have done so, you will be registered and able to participate in the MeetUp. If you have any doubts, you can contact us via WhatsApp: 649 179 815.