Solidarity enrolment: support Global Justice

Cartell de la campanya de Matrícula Solidària

The solidarity enrolment campaign has begun, an initiative that allows UAB students to make a financial contribution to Global Justice.


To build a cohesive and socially committed world, Fundació Autònoma Solidària promotes the “Solidarity enrolment” Support global justice” campaign every year, which is targeted at students who enrol. The students are asked to play their part by contributing 15 euros when they enrol.

The student contributions are added to those of the teaching body and the administrative and service staff through donations, and together with a contribution from UAB, they constitute the UAB Solidarity Fund, which makes it possible to promote cooperation and educational projects for global justice led by the university community. The motto of the Solidarity enrolment campaign is “To face global challenges: global justice and university cooperation”. Global Justice emphasises the profound causes of injustice in global relations between the Global North and Global South and places the focus on the effects and responsibility of wealthy countries on the infringement of rights in impoverished countries.

By understanding this and other paradigms of the cooperation agenda, the University and its community plays a key role in creating the conditions that make a fairer, more diverse and peaceful world. Based on this objective, through the Solidarity Enrolment campaign and other initiatives, UAB promotes cooperation and solidarity activities to make the expertise and potential of the UAB community available to Global Justice.

If you are a student and want to take part in the Solidarity Enrolment campaign, just put a cross in the box when you enrol. Your 15 euro contribution will be used to finance cooperation initiatives in Global South countries in areas such as education, health, gender and the environment.