Presentation of the report about the commitment of Universities to the community

Presentació informe compromís social

The next October 14th, the FAS will present the “Universities and social commitment” report that will be held in the events hall of the rector’s building and via streaming at the same time. The report is a case study of the Universities of Canada, Argentina, New Zealand and Lebanon, among others. 



The Fundació Autònoma Solidària in collaboration with the Barcelona city hall present the report “Universities and social commitment” the next October 14th from 10h to 11:30h in the events hall of the rector’s building of UAB and, at the same time, via streaming on the UAB’s YouTube channelIn order to assist to the event, it’s necessary to fill this application.

The report has wanted to know relevant experiences of higher education institutions internationally, which has introduced a point of view based on the commitment to the community. That is to say, that Universities have made relationships with social actors and different institutions in order to deal with the social and environmental challenges of the earth. It has been analysed different cases of  Universities from Canada, Argentina, New Zealand, Lebanon, South Africa and The Netherlands.

The ceremony will be honoured by the presence of representatives of the different institutions involved in the project: Esther Zapater, general secretariat of UAB, David Llistar, head of Global Justice and International Cooperation of Barcelona city hall, Jordi Prat, head of Fundació Autònoma Solidaria, Marc Martínez, author of the report. The act will end with a motivational speech in video by Crystal Tremblay, from the Victoria’s University of Canada.

Report Universities and social commitment. Case study.