New university volunteer positions

Segona onada de voluntariat

The new semester begins and the FAS publishes the offer of volunteer places in the different programs. Volunteers in prisons and in schools and institutes are the ones who need the incorporation of more people.


With the start of the second semester and schedule changes, the FAS has volunteer positions available. Specifically, the Health, Justice, CROMA 2.0 and Let’s Go programs need the incorporation of volunteers:

The CROMA 2.0 program must include at least 10 people to go in the afternoon to schools in Rubí and Barberà del Vallès (Monday and Wednesday), Terrassa and Montcada i Reixac (Tuesday and Thursday) and Cerdanyola del Vallès (Thursday) . The program seeks to regain school interest in children who live in situations of vulnerability and therefore more likely to suffer school failure.

As for the Justice Program, 15 people are needed to cover volunteering at Brians 1 (at any time), the Women’s Center (Thursday afternoon and Friday morning) and the Juvenile Center, for academic reinforcement of mornings and recreational activities of afternoons. Preferably they have their own vehicle to be able to travel to these centers. This program aims to contribute to the social reintegration of inmates in prisons, as well as young people and minors who comply with the implementation of judicial measures and rulings issued by the juvenile jurisdiction.

Regarding the Health Program volunteer group, which promotes healthy lifestyles among UAB students, it takes at least 5 people to join the group, every Monday and some Wednesdays at noon on the same Campus of the UAB.

Finally, Let’s Go, a pilot socio-educational program that aims to turn Badia del Vallès into a city promoting English language learning, has 5 vacancies in Badia del Vallès, from Monday to Thursday. In the mornings from 8 am to 9 am and from 9 am to 10 am and at noon from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.


University volunteering allows the active and voluntary participation of students with the aim of accompanying people at risk of social exclusion or who are in difficult life situations. It is key to helping to improve their living conditions and open up new options for the future. In addition, students can also actively participate in actions and campaigns aimed at denouncing and raising awareness about social inequalities, health and the environment that demonstrate a commitment to social transformation and global justice. Last year, more than 400 people became involved in one of the volunteer programs, reaching almost 3,000 people who are at risk of exclusion and who can benefit from the action of the volunteers.

If you want more information and are interested in participating in a volunteer program, you can register on this form, write to or consult the FAS website.