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Montserrat Solsona, en l'acte amb motiu del Dia Internacional de les Dones 2018

International Women's Day

On Tuesday 6 March the UAB organised an institutional celebration of International Women's Day, which this year paid homage to Professor Montserrat Solsona. Different activities have been held on campus throughout the week, all dedicated to 8 March.

Analitzen amb llum de sincrotró els mecanismes de l’Alzheimer

Analysing Alzheimer’s mechanisms with synchrotron light

Researchers from the UAB and ALBA Synchrotron have analysed with synchrotron light different Alzheimer’s aggregates, their location and their effect in cultivated neuronal cells. Results pave the way to better understand the development of this disease.

La UAB commemora el Dia de les Dones i les Nenes a la Ciència amb 'Marie Curie'

More International Day of Women and Girls in Science activities

On 15 February the Institute of Neuroscience has organised a Speed-Dating event to meet with neuroscientists and gender experts at the UAB. The faculties of Sciences and Biosciences inaugurated a mural in commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and organised a "macro photo" shoot at the Plaça del Rellotge.

Bicicleta Facultat de Veterinària

Bike to the UAB and win prizes

The UAB opens a new period in which members of the univeristy community can participate in the “Bike to the UAB” challenge. All kilometres biked by participants from 15 February to 15 March will be registered.