Minor in Classical Culture
To enroll in a minor students must submit their application in the set period, during their second or third year. In any case, they must have passed a minimum of 60 ECTS credits of the degree they are studying at that moment. Once a minor has been started, it is not possible to enroll in a new one.Admission criteria
No entrance exam is required, although it is advisable to hold an interview with the lecturers responsible for the minor. If there are more applicants than places available, you will be admitted according to the suitability of your profile and your academic transcript.Process and calendar
1st Period | Procedure |
From 4 to 14 March 2025 | Pre-registration Pre-registration is done online |
8 May 2025 (deadline) | Resolution |
According to each centre's calendar | Lectures will begin |
According to each centre's calendar | Enrolment |
At the Academic Administration Office of the centre where the student is enrolled in his/her undergraduate programme.
If the student is admitted to the Minor before enrolling in their undergraduate degree, s/he will be able to enrol in all the courses following the usual enrolment process established at their centre. However, if students are admitted to the Minor after having enrolled in their undergraduate degree, they must inform the Academic Administration Office of their centre of the changes. In this case, no extra fees will be charged for the modifications made.
Óscar de la Cruz
Tel. 93 581 48 26
Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana