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Blockchain technologies developed to improve wine traceability

An international consortium led by the UAB will improve the productivity of vineyards by guarateeing the traceability of the wine throughout its value chain, with smart labels and a blockchain-based data registry. The project's kick-off meeting will take place from 9 to 11 June at the Faculty of Sciences.


Presentation of EpiCAT, which collects, studies and disseminates personal letters from the 16th to 19th centuries

Researchers from the UAB Department of Modern and Early Modern History have spent four years on the research project “EpiCAT.Cartes familiars de Catalunya (segles XVI-XIX)”, 44 historical archives from all over Catalonia in which 2,438 letters were registered, transcribed and analysed. All letters were made available to the scientific community and general population on the open and recently presented web portal EpiCAT (

Guanyadors de la final de la Tesi en 4 Minuts de la UAB

New winners of the UAB's "Thesis in 4 Minutes"

On 18 May, at 11:30 a.m., the UAB held the final of its "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition. The jury awarded first prize to Clara Puig and second prize to Joaquim Viñes, and the audience voted online to choose a third winner, Eloi Guerrero.

Grup de recerca de Raül Andero

Same drug can have opposite effects on memory according to sexual differences

An investigation led by the INc-UAB, carried out from the study of a drug that modifies the memory of fear, shows for the first time that the neural processes and behaviours related to the formation of memory can be opposite between male and female mice. The study, published in Nature Communications, emphasizes the need for more basic and clinical research that includes females.


The "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition to be held on 18 May

The competition to find the best presentation of a PhD thesis under 5 minutes will take place on 18 May at 11:30 a.m. A total of twelve PhD students from the UAB will give an oral presentation of their research. The two top presentations will receive 1st and 2nd prize, and a third prize will be awarded to the one most liked by the public.