
Drosophila melanogaster

Monitoring the "journey" of microplastics through the intestine of a living organism

A UAB research team has managed to track the behaviour of microplastics during their "journey" through the intestinal tract of a living organism and illustrate what happens along the way. The study, carried out on Drosophila melanogaster using electron microscopy equipment developed by the researchers themselves, represents a significant step towards a more precise analysis of the health risks of being exposed to these pollutants.

Participants del TEDxUABarcelona

The UAB now part of the official TEDx channel

The official TEDx channel has now made available the videos with the conferences offered at the TEDxUABarcelona session which took place this past  31 March. Nine members of the university community participated with debates related to the topic of "Innovative Thinking".


Excessive sports training may have negative effects on mood state

A research conducted by the UAB with road cyclists, published in the journal PeerJ, sheds light on the importance of monitoring a training session load with the use of heart rate variability measuring tools, to favour assimilation and prevent injuries, and to compare training intensity with mood states the following morning.

Membres del grup de recerca que lidera Aurora Ruiz-Herrera a l'IBB

How do genomes evolve between species? The key role of 3D structure in male germ cells

A study led by scientists at the UAB and University of Kent uncovers how the genome three-dimensional structure of male germ cells determines how genomes evolve over time. Published in Nature Communications and carried out in rodent species, shows that the distinctive events occurring during egg and sperm cell production have a different impact on genome evolution and opens new research paths into the genetic origin of genome structure in all organisms.


CVC's Automatic driving simulator CARLA awarded National Research Prize

The Computer Vision Centre (CVC) and the Intel Intelligent Systems Lab were recently awarded the National Research Prize in the category of R+I public-private partnership for the joint development of the non-profit, open source code simulator CARLA, to train and validate autonomous vehicle systems.

Obert el període d'inscripcions al 13è Programa de Generació d'Idees sobre Residu 0

Three projects reach the final stage of the Generating Ideas' Zero Residue edition

On 12 May at 11 a.m., the UAB will hold the Demoday of the finalists participtation in the 13th Generating Ideas Programme, which aims to come up with innovative ways to solve problems with residues and advance towards a green economy. The final stage of the competition will be aired on the UAB Parc de Recerca's YouTube channel. All those interested in attending must sign up.