University Master's Degree in Advanced Genetics

Cross-curricular training introducing the most recent advances in all of the genetic fields

Content Official Master's Degree in Advanced Genetics

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Study guides

Master description

The Master's Degree in Advanced Genetics covers two semesters, the first of which comprises theoretical content only, leaving the second semester for the experimental work (external work placement) and the master's dissertation. This distribution is meant to facilitate students' work, avoiding the need to combine attendance at the placement centre, which can be some distance from the Bellaterra campus, with classes for the theory modules at the Faculty of Biosciences, on the campus itself.

While the content of the second semester is compulsory for all students, in the first semester there is a degree of optionality so that students can choose modules according to their own interests within the field of Genetics.
One compulsory module has been programmed that cuts across the whole curriculum, presenting the latest advances in genetics through seminars on plant genomics, genetics for development or other areas that are not included in the other course modules. Learning outcomes for the students will be defined by their success in integrating course contents in their final dissertation, the knowledge of theory acquired in the different modules and the methodologies developed in the practical sessions. The experience accumulated in organising this master's degree allows us to offer a wide variety of centres, where students can choose the subject areas that best fit in with their chosen career. It is significant that in metropolitan Barcelona there is considerable genetics-related research and professional activity, so that students can opt to carry out their placement with a firm, a university department, or one of the many research institutes working in agriculture, veterinary science or public health.

Teaching timetable

Classes are scheduled for mornings and afternoons. The academic year begins on 28 September and ends on 26 January.

Lecture Rooms Masters

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 18
Optional 12
Master Thesis 15
External Practicum 15



Subject Credits Type
Genomics 6 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 15 OB
Methods and Techniques in Molecular Genetics 6 OB
Recent Advances in Genetics 6 OB
Work Placement 15 OB
Applied Evolutive Genetics 6 OT*
Genetic Predisposition to Cancer 6 OT*
Genetic Risk 6 OT*
Medical Genomics and Bioinformatics 6 OT*

* Optional, you must take 12 credits


OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional