
TV3: Accés a la Universitat. 12-07-2017 Migdia

A score of 13.352 in Physics+Mathematics is once again the highest entrance mark in Catalonia

The cut-off marks corresponding to the first enrolment period for the 2017/2018 academic year confirm the great demand for UAB undergraduate courses. The UAB's joint bachelor's degree in Physics+Mathematics is once again the one with the highest cut-off mark in Catalonia (13.352), while 22 other bachelor's degrees have cut-off marks above 10.

Cloenda del primer torn del Campus Ítaca 2017

Second edition of Campus Ítaca begins

The second edition of the Campus Ítaca will take place from 6 to 14 July. Students from this year's first edition ended their stay at the UAB with a closing session in which they presented their projects.


The UAB International Summer Term begins

Until 4 August, more than 130 international students from 16 countries will be taking two to three-week courses in different subjects at the UAB campus thanks to the International Summer Term programme.