Official master's degrees

List of official master's degree of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, indicating type of master's degree, places available and modality
Name Type Places Modality
Applied Research in Economics and Business UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning
Data Science Inter-University
Economic Analysis UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Economic History Inter-University
Economics and Business Administration UAB University Master's Degree 40 places

Classroom-based learning

Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation UAB University Master's Degree 25 places
Erasmus Mundus in Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics Erasmus Mundus 56 places
Management, Organization and Business Economics Inter-University 30 places Face-to-face learning
Marketing UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning
Specialized Economic Analysis Inter-University