News archive

Dia de l'Emprenedoria de la UAB

The UAB organises its 2nd Entrepreneurs' Day

The session aims to foster the entrepreneur spirit among students and will take place on 20 November at the conference hall of the Faculty of Business and Economics. It will include the participation of experts in business creation and funding of entrepreneurial projects.

Vídeo fotos noms carrers UAB

Where the streets now have names

“Camí de la ruta Ho-Chi-Minh”, “Carrer de les Columnes” and “Ronda de la Font del Carme” are some of the names chosen for the campus roads and streets. Some one hundred signs have been posted all over campus.


UAB closes from 4 to 24 August

From 4 to 24 August all UAB centres will be closed. Only specific services will remain available. During that period, the Eix Central will also be closed for maintenance.

Gabriel Grau: De petit jugava amb una calculadora

"I came to study something that fascinates me and later I'll decide what I want to work on"

Gabriel Garau comes from Mallorca and will be studying Physics + Mathematics at the UAB. Gabriel will be starting his university studies as the student with the highest mark among all those enrolled in UAB's scientific degrees. Even as a small child he spent hours playing with a calculator.

Alícia Albaladejo: M'encantaria investigar en la cura de malalties

"I would love to work on medical advances"

Alicia Albaladejo, from the town of Albacete, is this year's highest scoring first-year student at the UAB. She will be enrolling in biomedical sciences. She feels passionate about research and innovation with the objective of curing diseases. She plays volleyball, the guitar and the flute.

Sundial on the façade of the Faculty of Science and Biosciences

Sundials, stars of a new exhibit

Sundials, one of the first devices used to measure time thanks to skills in astronomy, mathematics and art, are the stars of a new exhibit which will be on display until the end of July at the Library of Science and Technology. The UAB also has a sundial on campus.