News archive

Annual Report 2014-2015 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB opens the 2015–2016 academic year

The official opening of the academic year at the UAB took place on 29 September, in the Rectorat building. María Josefa Yzuel, emeritus professor in the Department of Physics, gave the opening lecture, on light-based science and technology.

Nova hipòtesi sobre l'origen de les megainundacions de Mart

Mars: new hypothesis on the origin of the megafloods

An international study with UAB participation has put forward a new hypothesis regarding the origin of huge flooding on Mars, which implies it could have been caused by vast quantities of sediment and ice that were deposited 450 million years before the floods occurred.

Columnes de la UAB

Opening of the 2015–2016 academic year

The official opening of the 2015–2016 academic year at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will take place at noon on 29 September, in the auditorium (Sala d'Actes) of the Rectorat building. María Josefa Yzuel, emeritus professor in the Department of Physics, will give the opening lecture entitled "The science of light and light-based technologies".