News archive

TV3: Desenvolupen una depuradora urbana capaç de generar energia

New urban wastewater treatment plant that can generate energy

The European project LIFE-SAVING-E, coordinated by the Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, is to build a pilot-scale urban wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that can generate energy instead of consuming it.


Fifth edition of TICLaude under way

The Faculty of Communication Studies has organised a new edition of TICLaude, an initiative aimed at all UAB students interested in taking on an entrepreneurship project. Students can enrol until 7 February.

Jornades de portes obertes

UAB opens its doors to future students from 2 to 4 February

Once again, the UAB is organising its Open Days to make its course offer known to future students. There will be a web app on the event and also a photography contest.