News archive

Female marmots unfaithful with other males

Female Marmots "Cheat On" Their Males

A research led by CREAF and UAB researcher Mariona Ferrandiz reveals that the dominant female of a group chooses both the dominant male and the option to be unfaithful depending on genetic aspects.

Detail of a mural in the Faculty of Biosciences

Second edition of the Bioresearch Workshop

Lasting from 6 to 9 June, the workshops have been organised by the departments of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology; Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; and Genetics and Microbiology.

Two Mars tsunamis destroyed the planet's shorelines

Mars' shorelines destroyed by tsunamis

A research with the involvement of the UAB reveals the existence of deposits and forms caused by two tsunamis which destroyed the shorelines of an ocean in northern Mars, with megawaves reaching heights of 120 metres. The study has been on the home page of Nature.

Margarita Arboix

Margarita Arboix elected Rector of the UAB

The provisional results give the victory to Margarita Arboix, who was elected Rector of the UAB in the elections held on 19 May. Margarita Arboix, professor of Pharmacology, received 60.56% of votes; and Antonio Méndez, professor of Theoretical Physics, 39.44%.