New Archaeology and Palaeontology website

The UAB Archaeology and Palaeontology Campus now has a new virtual space with news and information about its eight sites: La Noguera, La Draga, El Castellot, Torre Llauder, Mines de Gavà, Vall d’en Bas, Guissona and the future Pallars Jussà Palaeontology Campus.


A new website has been created to include information on all of the UAB's archaeological and palaeontological sites. In the past two years, eight different sites have been inaugurated around Catalonia: La Noguera, La Draga, El Castellot, Torre Llauder, Mines de Gavà, Vall d’en Bas, Guissona and Pallars Jussà. Each site is made up of a network of archaeological and palaeontological sites, municipal facilities, museums and archaeological parks in which the UAB conducts research and teaching.

The website is currently available only in Catalan, but will soon also be in Spanish and English. It contains links to the different sites and other collaborating entities, such as the Roca dels Bous Palaeolithic Site, Espai Orígens, Iesso Archaeological Park, Espai Ceretània, the Torre Llauder Archaeological Enclosure, the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà, the archaeological parks of La Draga and Can Trona, the Vall d'en Bas Cultural and Natural Space, etc.

The creation of the UAB Archaeology and Palaeontology Campus consolidates the relationship existing between the UAB and several of the surrounding town councils with the aim recognising these sites and their infrastructures (areas, teams, housing) as UAB research and teaching areas, and thus establish a stable collaboration between local administrations and the UAB in the field of teaching and research.
Website of the UAB Archaeology and Palaeontology Campus