News archive

New project to foster the reuse of wine bottles

New project to foster the reuse of wine bottles

The UAB Research Park coordinates reWine, a LIFE project to study the viability of a sustainable system of collecting, cleaning and reusing glass bottles from the wine industry in Catalonia, with the participation of the university's spin-off Inèdit, other institutions, wine companies, distributors and consumers.

Bending semiconductors generates electricity

Bending semiconductors generates electricity

Researchers at the ICN2 report in an article in Nature that flexoelectric-like effects are more ubiquitous than previously thought. The ICN2 researchers report that semiconductors, which can be thought of as half-way between electrical insulators and actual metals, also generate electricity in response to bending.

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New UAB Mediation Committee created

The UAB, thanks to an initiative by the governing team, has created a mediation committee with the aim of resolving possible conflicts which could deteriorate the relations between different members of the university community.


New autonomous microsensor is capable of detecting respiratory problems

Researchers from the UAB, the IMB CNM - CSIC and the UPC have developed a thermoelectric sensor based on silicon nanotechnology with the power to regenerate itself and detect respiratory problems such as sleep apnoea and pneumonia. To commercialise the sensor, the tech-based company FutureSiSens was created.