Grand celebration of the UAB's Festa Major

FM2016 exit
Over 50 student stands (unique to the UAB's festival); performances by the castellers, bastoners, the UAB Choir, and many more; several concerts offered by different groups; and the Entities' Fair, are just some of the proposals which took place in this year's FM2016, celebrated on 10 November, a unique day and an example in participation.


The FM2016 took place on Thursday 10 November from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Former student Miquel Missé was in charge of starting the festivities with a speech at the Plaça Cívica, and was followed by performances by the castellers Ganàpies and the awarding of the prize to this year's poster contest winner. The winner was Yeray Toledano Castillo, from the Faculty of Communication. His poster was chosen winner out of the 65 proposals which were presented.

This year's motto was "Keep LGTBIphobia out of the UAB". Sociologist and trans activist Miquel Missé inaugurated the festival by explaining how he experienced his years at the UAB and the whole process he went through in order to be recognised with the sexual identity which he had chosen, and not the one he was assigned at birth. He showed his appreciation to all those who at that moment helped him and especially all those at the association Sin Verguenza.

The majority of activities took place at the Plaça Cívica and the Plaça del Coneixement. Over 50 student stands participated and several music bands performed.

The FM2016 was co-managed with the help of students. The environmental management and co-responsibility of the community is one of the characteristic traits of the university's annual festival, which is a pioneer in implemented environmental and participation initiatives which have become consolidated year after year. This year, 25 students collaborated in tasks such as offering information, support services for students at the stands, and an overall environmental management of the campus grounds.

1 p.m. FMUAB 2016 opening speech by Miquel Missé, presented by Sara Moreno,Vice Rector for Students and Employability.
1:20 p.m. Colla Castellera Ganàpies
1:30 p.m. Awarding of the winner's prize in the FM16 Poster Contest.
1:45 p.m. Swing dance workshop offered by the student association Swing UAB.
2:30 p.m. Awarding of the prize to the winners of the Torneig de la Ferradura, Catalonia's university rugby championship. Organised by the Centaures, the UAB's rugby team.
3 p.m. performance by the UAB Choir. Directed by Poire Vallvé and organised by Cultura en Viu.
3:30 p.m. Exhibit of Korean covers offered by the Korean Club.
4:15 p.m. Performance by the UAB Colla de Bastoners as the closing act of the Entities' Fair.
4:45 p.m. Proclamation of the UAB Hereu and Pubilla.
6:30 p.m. Arzonist
7:30 p.m. DJ Joel Cruz
8:30 p.m. Retumbatú


Autònoma Actua Stage 1

1 p.m. DJ Noid
2 p.m. Zoom
3:30 p.m. Sixtus
5 p.m. The Garnet
6 p.m. DJ Noid
7:30 p.m. Pachawa

Autònoma Actua Stage 2
Located between the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting and programmed by Cultura en Viu.

1 p.m. DJ Like
2 p.m. Síndrome de Sherwood
3:30 p.m. Fur
5 p.m. Remolke
6 p.m. DJ Like
7:30p.m. The Fox 196

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