News archive


Women in Data Science Conference at the UAB

The UAB will be the only retransmission point in Catalonia of the Women in Data Science conference, celebrated at Stanford University and simultaneously at 25 other locations around the globe on 3 February.

MOOCs de la UAB a Coursera

The UAB expands its offer to cover four new MOOCs

This year, the UAB will offer new Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), available on Coursera, the world's leading platform for online courses. The four new courses focus on persuasion, finances, sustainability and heritage of the Valley of the Kings.

Admissio màsters i postgraus UAB

Admissions now open for UAB's master's degrees and graduate diplomas

UAB has opened the admissions period for its 2017/18 official and specific master's degrees and graduate diplomas. Over a hundred programmes are available, covering all academic areas. Find in our website the full list of master's degrees and graduate diplomas for the 2017/18 academic year and apply for admission!