Marta Martín Flix receives a grant from the Dexeus Women’s Health Foundation

Marta Martín
Researcher Marta Martín Flix, lecturer of the UAB Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, received one of the Fundació Dexeus Salut de la Dona 2016 research grants, a call which this year reaches its 13th edition.


Each year, the Dexeus Foundation awards grants to new innovative research projects in each of the established areas of women’s health: reproduction medicine, maternal-fetal medicine, basic sciences, oncological gynecology, and general gynaecology.

Marta Martín Flix received the grant for her project entitled ”Caracterització de marcadors d'inestabilitat genòmica associats a l'edat en cèl·lules epitelials mamàries humanes" (Characterisation of age-associated genome instability markers in human mammary epithelial cells) where she aims “to determine how age modifies the capacity to repair these lesions in the DNA". The objective of the project is “to find tsusceptibility markers indicating when the repair mechanism begins to fail, in order to be able to complement current preventive screening protocols in breast cancer”, the researcher explained at the awards ceremony, held this past February in the Dexeus University Hospital.

The ceremony also included the Fundació Dexeus Salut de la Dona 2016 Award, which this year was conferred onto the world’s first two test-tube babies, Louise Brown (1978) and Victoria Anna Perea (1984).