
Returning students' enrolment

Enroll from your home in all comfort 

Enrollment online is easy. Read this step-by-step to get a quick idea. 


Find out when you can self-register

You can find out the day and time from which you can self-register on the website at the tab Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degree Students by clicking on “Verification of the self-registration schedule”. 

t's very important that you do the registration within the authorized period.

If you have any questions, contact to the Academic Management: and / or by phone on +34 935929710.

Before accessing the application

Prepare your registration, check your academic record. Check what gratuities or discounts you can benefit from, and what documentation must be provided in each case, and check the validity and delivery dates. 

If you have questions, contact: Check the payment methods. With the simulator you can calculate the total amount of your tuition or in installments.


Go to the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degree Students tab on the application and click on Self-registration of other undergraduates and Master’s degree students. You will need your NIU and password to enter the application. For more information please consult the Online registration manual.

If you have any questions, visit the FAQ page. Also, you can call 935929710 or make an appointment with Academic Management.

Payment of registration

The payment is made according to the option you have chosen, starting 7 days after formalization.

Any questions about the enrolment?

If you have any questions, visit the FAQs page. Also, you can call to the phone number +34 935929710 or ask for an appointment to the Academic Management.