
Steps to take

To apply for this access route, you must take the steps described below:

Passos per fer la legalització

  1. Documents

The documents to be attached to the application is:

  • Photocopy, certified copy or accompanied by the original, of the DNI, NIE or passport.
  • Personal academic certificate, stating the grades obtained in all the subjects, with the number of credits for each one and the number of exam sittings completed. This must also include the access grade for the studies, or the corresponding accrediting document (in the case of foreign studies, a UNED certificate is required).
  • Teaching guide or syllabus of the subjects taken, with the stamp of the university of origin.
  • Syllabus of the studies of origin, showing the date of publication in the BOE (Official State Gazette) and the stamp of the centre.
  • Any other documents that the interested party deems appropriate.

The documents for foreign qualifications must meet the translation and legalisation requirements established in current regulations.

Translation of documents

No stamp or signature of the translator may appear on the original document to be translated. If this is the case, the document will be invalidated. Documents issued abroad must always be accompanied by the official translation into Catalan or Spanish. For more information, see the Translation and legalisation section.

The Ministry of Education offers the possibility of carrying out a free online procedure to issue a document certifying the equivalence of the average grades of university studies and degrees obtained abroad with the corresponding Spanish university degrees. You can consult the instructions on this

  1. Legalisation of documents

In the case of academic degrees or certificates, legalisation generally consists of the recognition of the signature of the educational authority issuing the original document (not of the authority certifying its authentication or translation). The legalisation requirements depend on the country where the studies have been carried out. For more information, please consult the Translation and legalisation section.


  1. Application to change your studies

The application for a change of foreign university studies must be made using the web form,  under no circumstances will applications by email be accepted. You must carry out the procedure through the online procedures section.

Each application can only include a single course of study and must be accompanied by the corresponding documents, which you can attach on the same web form.

If you want to study a FUAB Training School degree, you must consider the number of places available for this type of access.

Name of degree programme Places available for the 2024/2025 academic year
Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism 10
Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism in English 6
Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management 9


Important dates for the paperwork

  • Application for access: 26 February to 5 April 2024
  • Publication of the admission decision: 19 June 2024
  • Extraordinary period for submission of applications: until 2 September 2024
  • Publication of the decision on admission: 30 September 2024.


4. Study of the dossier and decision

When the School receives your documents, you may be asked to provide the necessary information to complete your application. The admission process is carried out in accordance with the principles of equality, merit and ability.

If any admitted student does not formalise his/her enrolment within the established deadline, he/she may be considered to have withdrawn his/her application and his/her place may be awarded to another applicant.

This route is compatible with university pre-registration, through the Guidance Office for University Admission of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Students who do not meet the requirements and wish to change their studies or university will have to apply for university pre-enrolment at the University Admissions Guidance Office of the Government of Catalonia to enter the new Bachelor's degree programme. (in Spanish).


Steps to follow according to the resolution of recognition of credits

  • If you obtain 30 or more validated credits in the resolution of recognition, the Academic Administration will notify you of the period to formalise your enrolment, you do not have to take any more steps.
  • If in the resolution of validation you do not obtain 30 or more validated credits, you will have to access through university pre-registration, attaching the resolution of validation as documents for access.

Consult the university Pre-registration section to access the procedures. To consult the key dates for pre-enrolment you can go to:


Further information (in Spanish):