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Pathological gambling also affects women
Determining the gender of a pathological gambler when describing the clinical profile of this patient is a good means to develop more specific and effective treatments. This is so given that in the past few years pathological gamblers are no longer only middle-aged men. Adolescents...
Obsessive symptoms in childhood can multiply the probabilities of an obsessive compulsive disorder
A research group led Miguel Ángel Fullana, researcher at the UAB Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatric Treatment of Hospital de Mar in Barcelona...
On-line control of bulimia
Medical professionals also use Internet as a new therapeutic treatment method. It is considered to be a valid alternative follow-up resource which can complement current face to face doctor visits. This “science at a distance” is already being used in cases of psychological disorders such as...
Bulimia nervosa, psychological and treatment outcomes
The omnipresent idea of thinness in our society and the consequent pressure has led to very common body dissatisfactions and a permanent judgment-anxiety concerning one’s own body, especially in young females. These inaccurate beliefs encourage an extreme need to...
Culture, identity and narrative: collaborative learning in the intercultural school
This work is based on an investigation from an ethnographic perspective, that aimed to identify the main elements on the construction of the identity in the digital narratives of children from minority ethnic groups in...