The UAB expands its offer to cover four new MOOCs

MOOCs de la UAB a Coursera
The UAB is a pioneering university in Spain in the implementation of massive online open courses (MOOC) through the Coursera platform. This year there will be four new courses on persuasion, finances, sustainability and heritage of the Valley of the Kings.


This year, the UAB will offer new massive online open courses (MOOC) through the Coursera platform. The four new courses are "¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números" (How to Persuade? Playing with Words, Images and Numbers), "Kit básico (para evitar los errores más frecuentes) de finanzas" [Basic Kit (to Avoid the Most Frequent Mistakes) in Financing], "Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems: the Nexus between water, energy and food" and "El Valle de los Reyes" (The Valley of the Kings).

The UAB is the first university in Spain to offer MOOC courses (Massive Online Open Courses) through Coursera, an internationally high-prestige platform. These courses can be followed independently on the internet, are addressed to the whole world and are free. For a small fee, however, participants may obtain a certificate stating they attended the course. The courses offered by the UAB have reached excellent levels of acceptance and some have already been offered more than once.

The course "¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números" began in January, and focuses on learning in a playful and enjoyable manner the mechanisms of persuasion which currently exist, in which the media, internet and advertising aim constantly to convince and catch the attention of the audience.

The course "Kit básico (para evitar los errores más frecuentes) de finanzas" will be available in March. It aims to provide the fundamental tools for the improvement of personal finances, e.g. learning how to create a family budget, and becoming alert to the biases of each person and avoiding falling victim to financial abuses.

The course "Sustainability of social-ecological Systems: the Nexus between water, energy and food" will help participants understand a community as a complex social and ecological system and to take into account the "water-energy-food metabolism". It is addressed to undergraduate students and professionals of the sustainable development field.

The "El Valle de los Reyes" MOOC will focus on one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt. The course will talk about the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth dynasties of the New Kingdom of Egypt, from its creation to its decline and fall. A journey to learn more about the culture and legacy of Ancient Egypt.

More information: Coursera