University Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting

You will train to become a professional interpreter specialised in conference interpreting, capable of working in national and international multilingual environments in both the private and public sector


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  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 120 ECTS
  • Course begins on 12/09/2024
  • Pre-registration period: Closed
  • Places: 20 places
  • Price: €27,67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EUresidence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
    €75 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.

  • Language: Spanish (40%), English (40%), French (10%) and German (10%)
  • Mode: Classroom-based learning
  • Teaching centre: Faculty of Translation and Interpreting

This master is biennial and will not open pre-registration for the 2025-2026 academic year.

This is the first two-year official master's degree in Conference Interpreting to be offered in the country. It allows students to acquire practical professional skills gradually within an academic setting, and also offers regular and direct contact with the reality of the profession. 
The programme offers the possibility of taking the course in two or three foreign languages (English, French, German or Spanish as the language from which you will be interpreting).

  • With the support from the European Commission's Common Conference Interpreting Services and the Office of Language Interpretation (OIL) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, students are offered teaching assistance, periodic online classes and a study visit to Brussels including an interpreting internship. 
  • Exceptional equipment unique in Europe: three fully digitalised interpreting halls with 53 simultaneous interpreting cabin which will allow you to practise in real-life situations, with audiovisual material and different support forms. 
  • Lecturers are active conference interpreters, most of them members of the International Association of Conference Interpreters, accredited by the main European institutions.    


Career options

Upon completing the MUIC programme, graduates will be prepared to work as liberal professionals in the private sector (international conferences and congresses, international trade relations between companies) and as freelance interpreters for international organisms. They can also work as civil servants once they have passed all official exams in public institutions such as: the UN, the European Parliament, the European Commission and Council, Court of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Parliament of Catalonia, etc. As well as in other international organisations such as the WTO, the OECD, ILO, WIPO, EUIPO, etc., which are present in several regions around the work and hire the services of interpreters on a daily basis.


Work placements

Specific grants for this master's degree

Students enrolled in the Master’s degree can apply for the bursary awarded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Interpretation (SCIC). You can obtain more information and check whether you are eligible by sending an email to or by visiting the webpage Bursaries for conference interpreting students.

Coordinator university:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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