Content Official Master's Degree in Account Auditing and Accounting

Study guides

Course begins on


Course ends on


Teaching timetable

Check the master's schedule.

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 48
Optional 6
Master Thesis 6



Subject Credits Type
Advanced Financial Accounting and Other Standardised Frameworks 12 OB
Applied Auditing 9 OB
International Accounting Standards (IAS/IFRS) and Consolidation 6 OB
International Standards on Auditing (ISA-ES) 9 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 6 OB
Other Accounting Matters and Information Technology 12 OB
Company Fiscality and Legal Framework of Competition Situations 6 OT*
Social Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reports 6 OT*
Work Placement 6 OT*

* Assignatures optatives a escollir


OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional