Teaching staff Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology
Coordinator and coordination team
Bachelor's degrees coordinators
Teaching staff
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Amills Eras, Marcelo | Animal Production | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Folch Albareda, Josep Maria | Animal Production | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Llobet Cabau, Ferran | Animal Production | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Bianucci Ovando, Eliana Carolina | Plant Physiology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Carreras Colom, Ester | Zoology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Drago , Massimiliano | Zoology | Research | |
Encuentra Martinez, Alfred | Plant Physiology | Research | |
Flo Sierra, Víctor | Plant Physiology | Research | |
Gunse Forcadell, Benet | Plant Physiology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Llugany Olle, Merce | Plant Physiology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Martinez Vargas, Jessica | Zoology | Research | |
Ninyerola Casals, Miquel | Botanics | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Rosello Serra, Maria Teresa | Plant Physiology | Research | |
Tolra Perez, Roser | Plant Physiology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Ahumada Villalta, Ana Maria | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Arus Caralto, Carles | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Barcenas López, Oriol | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Bassols Teixido, Anna Maria | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Borras Gas, Helena | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Bosch Tubert, Maria Fatima | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Farrés Vicén, Jaime | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Garcia Pardo, Javier | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Guembe Mülberger, Alba Inés | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Guerrero Yague, Ruben | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Herrero Cervera, Mario | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Affiliated lecturer | |
Herrero Garcia, Ivan | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Affiliated lecturer for teacher training | |
Hugo Pereira, Martin | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Jimenez Cenzano, Veronica | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Jiménez Jordán, Jesús | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Julia Sape, Maria Margarita | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Lopez Gomez, Jordi | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Marcos Silva, Marina | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Marques Bueno, Maria del Mar | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Melón Bajo, Paula | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Montpeyó García-Moreno, David | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Moreno Romero, Jordi | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Mulero Acevedo, Marta | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Navarro Cantero, Susanna | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Pallares Goitiz, Irantzu | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Perez Pons, Josep Antoni | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Piñol Ribas, Jaume | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Plana Coll, Maria | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Pont Noguero, Noemi Maria | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Prats Ejarque, Guillem | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Reverter Cendros, David | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Roque Cordova, Alicia | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Sanchez de Groot, Natalia | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
Sarle Valles, Pau | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Tanco , Sebastián Martin | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Tóth , Lili Fanni | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Vallve Sanchez, Xavier | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Research | |
Varejao Nogueira, Nathalia | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Villegas Hernandez, Sandra | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Gallego Garcia, Juan Carlos | Financial Economics and Accounting | Research | |
Masson Guerra, Jose Luis | Business Management | non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Bernal Martinez, Aina | Cell Biology | Research | |
Carrasco Trancoso, Francisco Javier | Physiology | Research | |
Castaño García, Ángel Raúl | Immunology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Comes Orpinell, Gemma | Physiology | Research | |
Duran Puig, Asuncion | Cell Biology | Research | |
Escrig Monfort, Anna | Physiology | Research | |
Fernandez Duran, Irene | Cell Biology | Research | |
Girona Del Pozo, Monica | Physiology | Research training staff (FPI Years 1-2) | Research |
Gonzalez Llagostera, Clara | Cell Biology | Research | |
Ibañez De Sans, Maria Elena | Cell Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Marti Sistac, Octavi | Physiology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Massafret Surinyach, Ot | Cell Biology | Research | |
Novo Bruña, Sergio | Cell Biology | Research | |
Pastor Ciurana, Jordi | Physiology | Research | |
Pons Gatell, Maria Carme | Cell Biology | Research | |
Pulido Artola, Núria | Cell Biology | Researcher in FI-SDUR training | Research |
Repulles Fernandez, Joan | Cell Biology | Research | |
Ribas Cabezas, Laia | Cell Biology | Research | |
Roura Mir, Carme | Immunology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Santalo Pedro, Josep | Cell Biology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Sarrate Navas, Zaida | Cell Biology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Sole Canal, Mireia | Cell Biology | Research | |
Sole Inarejos, Miguel | Cell Biology | Research | |
Teles Pereira, Mariana | Physiology | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
Tusell Padros, Laura | Cell Biology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Zerpa Rios, Oriana Victoria | Physiology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Zurera Egea, Coral | Cell Biology | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Benaiges Massa, Maria Dolors | Chemical Engineering | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Bueno Mancebo, Jose Antonio | Chemical Engineering | Research training staff (FPI Years 1-2) | Research |
Cervera Gracia, Laura | Chemical Engineering | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Ferrer Alegre, Pau | Chemical Engineering | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Fredes Tapia, Yerko Andre | Chemical Engineering | Predoctoral trainee researcher | Research |
Garcia Ortega, Javier | Chemical Engineering | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Gasset Franch, Arnau | Chemical Engineering | Research | |
Godia Casablancas, Francesc | Chemical Engineering | University professor/full professor | Research |
Gonzalez Cortes, Meilyn | Chemical Engineering | Research | |
Guillen Montalban, Marina | Chemical Engineering | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Liarte Castillo, Gina | Chemical Engineering | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Moral Vico, Antonio Javier | Chemical Engineering | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Ortiz De Orruño Cuesta, Garazi | Chemical Engineering | UAB trainee-research staff | Research |
Requena Moreno, Guillermo | Chemical Engineering | Researcher in FI-SDUR training | Research |
Rodriguez Avila, Sady Roberto | Chemical Engineering | Trainee researcher (Catalonia) | Research |
Romero Ormazábal, Oscar Enrique | Chemical Engineering | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Sala Marti, Arnau | Chemical Engineering | Margarita Salas Program Researcher | Research |
Sanchez Ferrer, Antonio | Chemical Engineering | University professor/full professor | Research |
Valero Barranco, Francisco | Chemical Engineering | University professor/full professor | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Baldero Escudero, Carlos | Physical Chemistry | Research | |
Franconetti Garcia, Antonio | Organic Chemistry | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Gallego Gamo, Albert | Organic Chemistry | Researcher in FI-SDUR training | Research |
González Prats, Oriol | Organic Chemistry | UAB trainee-research staff | Research |
Granados Toda, Albert | Organic Chemistry | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Heras Paniagua, Carlos | Physical Chemistry | Research | |
Pozzobon , Anna | Organic Chemistry | Research training staff (FPI Years 1-2) | Research |
Rodriguez Santiago, Luis Aurelio | Physical Chemistry | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Sarró Grane, Pau | Organic Chemistry | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Aranda Rodriguez, Jesus | Microbiology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Atienza Garriga, Jan | Microbiology | University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) | Research |
Bogliolo , Massimo | Genetics | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Campoy Sanchez, Susana | Microbiology | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Carratala Tomas, Jose Vicente | Microbiology | Research | |
Colman Larovere, Camila Maria | Genetics | Research | |
Corchero Nieto, Jose Luis | Microbiology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Corral Sabado, Jordi | Microbiology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Covaleda Cortés, Daniela | Microbiology | Research | |
Feliu Gil, Jordi Xavier | Microbiology | Research | |
Gaju Ricart, Nuria | Microbiology | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Gaona Soler, Marc | Microbiology | Trainee researcher (Catalonia) | Research |
Perez Varela, Maria | Microbiology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Puig Font, Marta | Genetics | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Rodriguez Carmona, Escarlata | Microbiology | Research | |
Ruiz García, Raúl | Microbiology | Research | |
Unzueta Elorza, Ugutz | Microbiology | Research | |
Vazquez Gomez, Esther | Microbiology | Research | |
Vigués Frantzen, Nuria | Microbiology | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Villaverde Corrales, Antonio Pedro | Microbiology | University professor/full professor | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Antoine Riolobos, Ramon | Algebra | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Barril Basil, Carles | Applied Mathematics | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Coll Guerrero, Jaume | Algebra | Research | |
Gasull Embid, Armengol | Applied Mathematics | University professor/full professor | Research |
Morte Piferrer, Alan | Algebra | Research | |
Orobitg Bernades, Pol | Geometry and Topology | Research | |
Reig Llunell, Pau | Applied Mathematics | Research | |
Riba Garcia, Ricard | Geometry and Topology | ||
Roe Vellve, Joaquim | Algebra | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Apio Laguia, Juan Manuel | Condensed Matter Physics | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Espluga Trenc, Jose Luis | Sociology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |