Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Communication

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Graduate in Interactive Communication



Offered Courses at the Faculty of Communication Studies and Other faculties

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Study plan information

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory Optional Bachelor's Degree Final Project
1st year 48 12    
2nd year 12 48    
3rd year   60    
4th year   6 42 12
Totals 60 126 42 12

Period of study

Year-long and semester-long classes

Part-time or full-time

Full-time dedication. Slow track available, with half the number of credits per academic year (30).

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
- Information Systems
1st semester
- Theory and History of Interactive Communication
- Expression and Argumentation in Catalan
- Digital Law and Law of ITC
- Theory and Techniques of Photography
2nd semester
- Audiovisual and Multimedia Languages
- Theory and Techniques of Design
- Expression and Argumentation in Spanish
- Introduction to Website Technology
1st semester
- Network Society
- Computer Game Genres
- Advanced Web Services
- Interaction Design
- Narrative Theories and Discourse Genres
2nd semester
 - Communication System Structure
- Information Storage and Recovery
- Theory and Techniques of Creativity
- Mathematics and Physics for Digital Animated Objects
- Basic Animation
3rd year 4th year
1st semester
- User-Centred Design
- Programming for Web Technology Applications
- Information Structure and Transmission
- Infographics and Data Visualisation
- Theory and Techniques of Scriptwriting
2nd semester
- Advanced Animation
- Project Management and Presentation
- Entrepreneurship and Company Creation
- Digital Marketing
- Introduction to Big Data
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project
- Scenarios and Uses of Big Data

Optional subjects

4th year
- Work Placement / 12
- Art and Architecture of Virtual Maps and Environments / 6
- Digital Object Integration / 6
- Basic Character Modelling / 6
- Advanced Modelling / 6
- Digital Object Creation / 6
- Augmented and Virtual Reality / 6
- Digital Analytics / 6
- Big Data Analysis and Visualisation / 6
- Digital Content Management / 6
- Automatisation of Marketing / 6
- Sound Reinforcement Systems / 6
- Artificial Intelligence in Communication / 6