Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 100506 - Accounting

 100505 - Business Economics

 100491 - Civil Law

 100490 - Constitutional Law

 100489 - Employment Law I

 103500 - History of Social Law and Labour Institutions

 100514 - Introduction to Economics

 100488 - Mercantile Law

 103501 - Psychology

 100513 - Sociology of Work and Labour Relations

2nd year

 100520 - Administrative Law

 100521 - Business Organisation

 100482 - Business Sociology

 100499 - Employment Law II

 100498 - Employment Law III

 100494 - International regulations and European Community Social Law

 100504 - Labour Economics

 100502 - Socio-employment Policy

 103503 - Tax Law

 103502 - Work Psychology

3rd year

 100524 - Business Strategies

 100483 - Health and Safety at Work

 100495 - Judicial and Extrajudicial Management of Labor Conflicts

 100481 - Labour Relations Theory

 100493 - Legal Organisation of Employment Health and Safety

 100480 - Social Research Techniques

 100501 - Social Security Law I

 100500 - Social Security Law II

 100476 - Techniques for Negotiating and Resolving Conflict

 100496 - Trade Union Law

4th year

 103958 - Bachelor's Degree Final Project


 100497 - Employment Sanctions Law

 103956 - Francoist Dictatorship and Transition to Democracy

 100527 - Internal and Performance Audit I

 105068 - Law and Technology in Labour Relations

 100510 - Legal management of Company Diversity

 100508 - Legal Regime for Foreigners and Transnational Labour Mobility

 100507 - Legal System for Labour Relations in Government Organisations

 100522 - Management of Human Resources

 100523 - Management Roles and Responsibilities

 100484 - Organisation, Qualification and Competencies

 100492 - Social Protection Reinforcement

 103959 - Work Placement