Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Geology

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 101039 - Basic Geology

 101060 - Chemistry of the Earth

 101045 - Mathematics for Geology

 101041 - Physics for Geology

 101038 - Regional Geology Field Work

 101030 - The Life on Earth

 101059 - Crystallography

 101044 - Planet Earth

2nd year

 101040 - Geological Mapping

 101031 - Geographical Information Systems and Image Processing

 101063 - Geomorphology I

 101062 - Geomorphology II

 101058 - Mineralogy

 101049 - Palaeontology I

 101048 - Palaeontology II

 101061 - Sedimentology

 101064 - Stratigraphy

3rd year

 101035 - Geochemistry

 101029 - Geology of the Iberian Massif Field Work

 101034 - Geophysical Methods

 101055 - Igneous Petrology

 101057 - Metamorphic Petrology

 101056 - Sedimentary Petrology

 101047 - Structural Geology I

 101046 - Structural Geology II

4th year

 101037 - Degree Project

 101028 - Geology of the Pyrenees Field Work

 101036 - Practicum


 101065 - Basin Analysis

 101033 - Company Economics and Management

 101071 - Current Geological Areas

 101068 - Environmental Geochemistry

 101067 - Environmental Management and Regional Organisation

 101054 - Geological Engineering I: Rock Mechanics (2023-24)

 101053 - Geological Engineering II: Mechanics and Geotecnics

 101043 - Geological Record of Global Change

 101070 - Geological Risk Analysis

 101052 - Geology of Petroleum (2023-24)

 101042 - Global Tectonics

 101066 - Hydrogeology (2023-24)

 101050 - Industrial and Heritage Rocks

 101032 - Mathematical Models

 101051 - Mineral Deposits

 101069 - Soil Science