Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Business and Information Technology


  • Identify how technological innovations improve the competitiveness of a company or organisation.
  • Identify for a company or organisation the main processes, relationships and functions necessary to provide its service.
  • Define the mathematical and statistical principles applicable to the resolution of business and technological problems, as well as the bases of algorithmics, programming languages, computer architecture, telecommunications and databases.
  • Identify the main corporate management systems for companies and organisations.
  • Describe the principles of economics, the foundations of historical analysis and the causes of economic problems at national and international level.


  • Communicate orally and/or in writing in a clear, orderly and convincing manner, information, ideas, problems and/or projects to solve them.
  • Propose strategic, commercial, financial, operational, legal and/or human resources improvements in a company or organisation in order to make it more efficient and competitive.
  • Solve problems using algorithmic solutions and programming tools that are adequate for implementation in the organisation.
  • Analyse the improvements provided by innovations in integrated management systems and the impact on the company using the main mathematical, statistical and algorithmic tools.
  • Interpret those aspects of the functioning of the economy that can affect or generate new opportunities for companies.


  • Design a value proposition with computer support that helps strategic and operational decision-making to improve process indicators according to technical, organisational and financial criteria.
  • Recommend the best project among the alternatives proposed for an organisation valuing the social, economic and environmental impact, also considering sex/gender inequalities.
  • Develop a digitalisation or digital transformation plan from information and indicators available to the organisation.
  • Collaborate with a team at all stages of an implementation project acting ethically and respecting fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Generate models and systems with which to identify and eventually solve efficiency problems of companies and organisations.
  • Develop an academic or professional work in the field of the information systems of the company applying knowledge and skills in environments close to reality.
  • Apply correctly and adequately the theoretical and practical skills and knowledge acquired during the degree for the elaboration of a project in the business environment.
  • Apply knowledge, skills and attitudes in the exercise of a real practical activity in the economic, technological and business fields in an autonomous and quality way.
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