Bachelor's Degree in Applied Statistics + Bachelor's Degree in Sociology

A combined degree in statistics and sociology trains professionals with a high capacity for analysis of the social reality and a large knowledge in the use of quantitative tools.

General information

  • Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
    Faculty of Sciences

  • Duration: 5 courses - 342 credits
  • Places: 20
  • Admission mark: 8,824
  • Price per credit: 18.46 Euros
  • Language: Catalan (85%) Spanish (10%) and English (5%)
  • null
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The degree prepares you to become a versatile professional, expert in statistics and sociological analysis, and this combination will allow you to comprehend social phenomena using a larger variety of scientific research and analysis techniques.

The UAB campus is an ideal location for a double degree and your assigned tutors will provide the support and guidance needed from day one to help you successfully adapt to the fast academic pace required by this double degree.

Statistics combined with sociology trains specialists in a variety of areas of social life (public opinion, communication media, demography, fashion, consumption, inequalities, etc.), as well as the management of important volumes of data.

Market research companies, polling institutes, statistic centres, etc. need professionals who can carry out these tasks intelligently and rigorously. .

The work carried out by specialists in statistics and sociology is greatly valued and of interest to a large variety of institutes, and can be applied to many areas: official organisations in statistic information, such as the National Statistics Institute (INE), the Statistics Institute of Catalonia (IDESCAT), the Centre for Opinion Studies (CEO) and the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS), as well as market research companies which base their analysis on the combination of sociology and statistics to detect the likes, preferences and opinions of citizens.

Career options

After completing this double degree, students will be prepared to work in a variety of sectors:

- Public administration departments: statistical institutes, public opinion centres, demographic projections, regional planning, evaluation of public policies

- Industry and services: design of experiments, quality control, improvement of processes, logistics, geolocalisation of phenomena and people

- Economy and finances: surveys, data processing, opinion polls, marketing, assessment and consultancy, market niches

- Third sector: associations, professional entities, foundations, NGOs, socio-cultural promotion, project management

- Academic sector: research centres at universities and foundations, secondary and university-level teaching

- Communication media and social networks: web analysis, research and data generation

Mobility programmes

Professional training


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