

Study on how the press treats sexual violence presented

The coverage Barcelona's newspapers give to sexual violence, based on the analysis of women who have suffered these aggressions, is the focus of a research by the UAB Master's Degree in Gender and Communication and the Association of Assistance to Sexually Assaulted Women (AADAS), which was presented on 22 November.

Jornades de portes obertes de la UAB

The UAB opens its doors to future students

On 31 January and 1-2 February, the UAB organises its annual "Open Days", addressed to secondary school students interested in discovering the bachelor's degrees offered at the UAB. Over 200 talks will be given by lecturers of each of the degrees. Last year, a total of 22,000 students from 340 educational centres attended.

FM2016 exit

Grand celebration of the UAB's Festa Major

The Festa Major took place on 10 November, with this year's motto being "Keep LGTBIphobia out of the UAB". Former student Miquel Missé kicked off the annual festival with a speech and the poster by student Yerai Toledano (in the image) was chosen out of 65 proposals as the winner of the poster contest.


The UAB Solidarity Run already includes over 1,500 entrants

The UAB Solidarity Run in support of the TV3 Marathon already includes more than 1,500 participants, with very little left before the start of the race. On Sunday 18 December, this celebration of sport and solidarity will again take place at the Bellaterra campus.