
Montserrat Solsona, en l'acte amb motiu del Dia Internacional de les Dones 2018

International Women's Day

On Tuesday 6 March the UAB organised an institutional celebration of International Women's Day, which this year paid homage to Professor Montserrat Solsona. Different activities have been held on campus throughout the week, all dedicated to 8 March.

Bicicleta Facultat de Veterinària

Bike to the UAB and win prizes

The UAB opens a new period in which members of the univeristy community can participate in the “Bike to the UAB” challenge. All kilometres biked by participants from 15 February to 15 March will be registered.


The UAB invites members to give their opinion

A new service, OPINA UAB, allows all those interested to transmit to the university administration their opinions, suggestions, complaints or compliments on any of the university activities and services offered by the UAB.

La UAB i el Barça creen un màster en gestió de la comunicació i patrocini

The UAB and FC Barça create a master's degree in communication management and sponsorship

The UAB and FC Barça signed an agreement to create the Master's Degree in Management of Communication and Sponsorship in Sports Organisations, which will form part of the Sport Communication Lab, a joint initiative which will managed by the UAB Olympic and Sports Studies Centre (CEO) and the Barça Innovation Hub.