
Minut de silenci per la pau

The UAB inaugurates a peace series with university members from Eastern Europe

On 6 April, the UAB will be holding an institutional event entitled "Vent de l'est: guerra i pau als confins d'Europa" [Wind From the East: war and peace on the edges of Europe], in which members of the university community from Serbia, Rumania, Russia and Ukraine will share their impressions on the conflict currently taking place in Ukraine. The event will begin at 1 p.m. at the Journals Hall of the Humanities Library, at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Exposició cel

'Com al Cel, a la Terra', exhibition on the sculptural works of the UAB

The exhibition "Com al Cel, a la Terra" under the slogan "Com a allò elevat i sagrat, a la quotidianitat més tangible" wants to bring the sculptural works of the UAB campus to the whole community through a tour around its artistic heritage. Organised by the Official Master's Degree in Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage of the UAB, it will be presented at the UAB Exhibition Hall on Thursday 9 June at 12.45 pm, and can be visited until 7 October (from 10 am to 6 pm). 

inici lliga debat

The UAB to host the Xarxa Vives University Debate League

The UAB for the first time, as the university presiding the Xarxa Vives, will play host to the final phases of the two debate leagues organised by this organisation, which coordinates the action of 22 universities: the high school league (from 30 March to 1 April) and the university league (from 4 to 7 April). All debates will be broadcast live.

Campus de Bellaterra

Services on campus from 11 to 14 April

As in recent years, all centres of the UAB's Bellaterra Campus will be closed during the spring break, from 11 to 14 April 2021. Only certain services will be operating on campus.



The UAB to host the Xarxa Vives University Debate League

The UAB for the first time, as the university presiding the Xarxa Vives, will play host to the final phases of the two debate leagues organised by this organisation, which coordinates the action of 22 universities: the high school league (from 30 March to 1 April) and the university league (from 4 to 7 April). All debates will be broadcast live.