World Radio Day: presentation of Catalonia's first radio sound file

Web de l'Arxiu Sonor de la Ràdio a Catalunya

Today, on the occasion of World Radio Day, Catalonia's first radio sound file will be presented.



The presentation will take place at 5 p.m., in the Nicolau d'Olwer room of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC). During the event, in addition to the presentation of the Radio Sound Archive in Catalonia, there will be a presentation on research into the history of radio, by Maria Gutiérrez, a member of the Observatori de la Ràdio a Catalunya of the UAB, and an edition of the program L'altra ràdio, from Ràdio 4, hosted by professor Cinto Niqui, will be recorded.

The sound archive of the radio in Catalonia ( is a project of the Institute of Communication (InCom-UAB) and the UAB Communication Library and General Newspaper Archive. The initiative has been directed by Cinto Niqui, lecturer in the UAB Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.

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