A life dedicated to education

Exposició Pilar Benejam
The Humanities Library has organized an exhibition of a part of the collection of the scientific production of Professor Emeritus Pilar Benejam.


Professor Emeritus at UAB Pilar Benejam has donated her scientific production to the Humanities Library. This collection, which is already part of our special collections, consists of essays, textbooks, journal articles, conference proceedings ... in the fields of Didactics of Social Sciences, Didactics of Geography, and Training of teachers.

The Humanities Library has held a face-to-face exhibition in the hall of the library to show part of this collection. It's worth a visit!

Pilar Benejam, a teacher at Escuela de Magisterio de Baleares (1961), holds a degree in pedagogy (1966) and in history (1972) at the Universitat de Barcelona and a doctorate in pedagogy (1985) from the Universitad Autònoma de Barcelona, where she is Emeritus Professor. Member of the Association of Teachers Rosa Sensat, She had a very active participation in the constituent phase of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and was editor of the Manifesto of Bellaterra, for which she received the Bronze Medal of the institution. She has been part of several commissions for the reform of teacher training in Catalonia and Spain. She is an expert on issues related to the revision of school programming in social sciences and has advised public administrations in reference to the entire training cycle. She has been the general coordinator of the educational centers of the Diputació de Barcelona and director of the UAB Institut de Ciències de l’Educació (1994-98). He has been interested in all aspects related to pedagogical renewal and didactic innovation and in the introduction to the teaching of the different epistemological proposals of geography.

For all this, She has been awarded with the 2003 Ramon Llull Price, with the Jaume Vicens Vives Award in 2004 and the Creu de Sant Jordi in 2004, the Emili Darder Prize to a life dedicated to teacher training, the Marta Mata Award from Teaching Department of Generalitat de Catalunya (2011) and the Civic Action Prize of La Fundació Lluis Carulla (2013).