The DIGIDRET group organizes a bimodal seminar open to PDI and PhD students

Parlament Europeu

The DIGIDRET research group organizes the seminar “¿Pueden los Estados de la UE regular a los prestadores de servicios de la sociedad de la información establecidos en otros Estados miembros? Implicaciones de la Sentencia Google Ireland, de 9 de noviembre de 2023”.


Continuing with the sessions on Digitalization and Company Law, the DIGIDRET Research Group counts with the intervention of Dr. Miquel Gardeñes Santiago from our Faculty. He will share his time with us to answer the question of what is the territorial scope of the regulation of the States on lenders of information society services considering the case law of the CJEU on the subject.

 The event will be bimodal on March 15 at 12:00h, at Sala Victoria Kent of our Faculty and at the following address TEAMS.